Interactive Bike Map

In 2017, CTDOT and the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update Steering Committee, developed a draft bicycle planning network for bicycle travel on state roads in Connecticut. This network is based upon desired connections rather than the limited facilities that exist. Click to view a map of the bicycle planning network.

The statewide bicycle network will serve to ultimately guide future investment in bicycle planning. As such, some routes are identified with the understanding that additional facilities or improvements will be necessary before the route may be considered safe and comfortable for bicyclists. Connecticut does not have the resources to provide the most desirable level of bicycle and pedestrian improvements on the entire 970-mile bicycle planning network, which is about 1/3 of the total non-limited access highway network. Thus, a more detailed analysis of the network identified priority tiers to best target safety in the near-term within available and potential resources. Click to view a map of the priority tiers. Click to view a PDF table of the priority tier classifications and criteria.

The interactive bike map serves to assist roadway planners and designers. It includes the bicycle planning network and priority tiers described above, as well as impassible areas and steep grades. Click to explore the interactive bike map.

Welcome to the CT Active Transportation Plan Interactive Bike Map

This resource is intended to assist CTDOT and other agencies in the planning and development of bicycle facilities across Connecticut. This resources is not intended as a resource for cyclists. This tool does not serve to recommend bike riding routes for cyclists. Cyclists, please seek other resources for recommendations on bike routes. For more information, refer to the Connecticut Active Transportation Plan.

Disclaimer: The data presented here is for informational purposes only. The data is not to be used in legal documents or proceedings. The Connecticut Department of Transportation makes every effort to ensure the data is current and accurate. Neither the State of Connecticut, nor the Connecticut Department of Transportation, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the data. Reliance on the data is at the user’s own risk.